
Scan 60Scan 61

My life seemed to be heading in the right direction, I was starting to make a name for myself in the childcare world. However I had to change my career path due to my dad getting sick and the desire to take care of my children without the need for daycare or babysitters. Scrubbing toilets isn’t the most desirable change but it worked and allowed me to work and be home for the kids. In 2009 my foot became a huge problem for me and the specialist put me off work indefinitely, since then I have tried a few different jobs but court seems to be consuming all my time and causing me major flare ups that I can not predict how bad they will be one day to the next. My next album will be that of my medical reports and pictures of my flared up hands and feet. My Rheumatologist is convinced that stress is playing a huge role in majority of my flare up’s .

Also please note my home phone number on this resume. I have had this number for 7 years, yet when I was first served February 24th 2012 one of Jason’s complaints is that I am soft neglecting my kids because I do not have a ‘home phone’ – more amusing he calls it still to this day.

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